Friday, April 04, 2008

couldn't hold it any longer

i stopped by walgreens the other night. it was around 7p. on my way out, i walked past this guy by the wall just a few feet from the front door of the pharmacy. i noticed, out of the corner of my eye, a stream of liquid shooting from his hip area. it took me another second to realize that he was urinating on the wall of the building. just feet away from the front door. in front of a row of cars.

i picked up my pace to the car, and told r about what i had just witnessed. he, then, made a valid point: even in nyc, people have the decency to avoid urinating in public (that's not a restroom) where other people are around. they, at least, make the effort to be discreet about it.

maybe this guy just HAD to go. when i was little, my parents would pull over on the side of a highway to let us relieve ourselves in cases of emergency. so i admit to having urinated in public. but my mom would stand close by and shield me. also, i was a child. this was a grown man. what is this world coming to?

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