Tuesday, September 02, 2008

palin with pregnant teenage daughter

i can't help but automatically think of britney and jamie spears' mother when i think of palin, after hearing about the news of her 17-year-old daughter being pregnant and the emphasis that she will marry the baby's daddy. i know it's not an accurate comparison because palin has made a career for herself where as i'm not sure what spears' mom does...or if she does anything at all.

i think it's just my possibly inaccurate assumption that neither of these mothers made sure their daughters received intelligent sex education. the whole emphasis of a conservative lifestyle that insists on abstinence as the only form of birth control just blows my mind. maybe it's the lack of a seemingly proper education that encompasses a large, well-rounded volume of information that allows "white-trash" to pop into my mind, a term which i associate with the uneducated. of course, palin's daughter and her baby's daddy could've been using birth control, and this is one of those 2% chance accidents too.

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