Sunday, October 01, 2006

last box

yay! unpacked my last box yesterday. i'm quite proud of myself that it's the box with my work stuff. here's the order i unpacked everything - kitchen, living room (books, cds, dvds, etc.), bedroom, and work - the order i consciously and subsconsciously prioritize my life. i have a problem of letting work take over my life. it's much easier to keep it under control right now, being unemployed, and it feels really nice to focus on taking care of myself for my wellbeing instead of other people for money. for the past couple of weeks of settling in nyc, i've been spending my days working on straightening up the apartment and doing all the chores. my sister is currently the employed member of the household so i see it as a fair deal. i think i've pretty much settled in.

last week, b and i saw the history boys. it's my first broadway play. i've seen musicals but not plays in the city. really enjoyed it even though we only got standing tickets - we stood at numbered spots at the back of the theatre for the entire show. but the play was worth it - thought-provoking story, and a cast full of cute british guys didn't hurt. looking forward to seeing more good plays - motivation to get a job soon.

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