Thursday, October 18, 2007


i just read this article today on and am once again astounded to learn exactly how cruel the u.s. justice system. i can't believe that we have a president who claims "compassion" endlessly for everything he does, and yet, we are the only country in the u.n. who voted to uphold life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for juveniles. what kind of compassion doesn't give KIDS a second chance?

for a child to commit a heinous crime, there must've been some sort of psychological damage to him/her to begin with. doesn't that justify a chance for redemption? what about rehabilitation and therapy instead of locking them up behind cement walls? what good does that do? it's like tossing out a pair of socks that got messed up in the wash. but these are kids. if they have the proper care and education, i'm sure most of them would grow up to be fine, law-abiding adults. it's a sad world we live in that the most powerful country in the world would deny children who've made mistakes a second chance. isn't making mistakes a part of learning, part of growing up?


Herman said...

Brilliant thinking. Makes me appreciate the release of Genarlow Wilson the other day. He was convicted of Aggravated Child Molestation for a voluntary act of oral sex with another teenager when he was 17 and she was 15. I think kids are redeemable.

amy said...

if we no longer believe kids are redeemable, then the entire human race is doomed. and that case is ridiculous in that did these kids even know that it was a questionable act in the legal arena?