Wednesday, January 23, 2008

toilet seats

what is it with guys and toilet seats? i've recently noticed that the toilet seat has stayed in an upright position. it used to be in the down position much more often, in fact, so often that i thought, "wow, how nice that a guy puts down the toilet seat even in his own bachelor pad!" but maybe time has worn out the need to keep up certain impressions. maybe we're getting too comfortable together. is there something as being too comfortable? is that the trade-off, reaching a certain level of comfort only to have the toilet seat stay up? maybe my next project will focus on designing a new toilet that will address this problem.

1 comment:

Kate said...

When I mentioned this issue to my own sweet husband, he informed me that the default position was UP and that I just hadn't realized it all this time. He said that he was being very understanding in not requiring me to put it up all the time for him...