Thursday, July 26, 2007

hogwarts ~ ncssm

the latin teacher at my former high school contributed an article to the raleigh news & observer, comparing hogwarts to my high school, north carolina school of science & mathematics. (i had already graduated by the time this teacher started at the school.) i'm currently reading book 7, the deathly hallows, and have repeatedly brought up this comparison as well while talking to one of my best friends whom i had met at ncssm. besides the fact that the harry potter books are a wonderful read in and of themselves, one of the reasons that i love the books so much is the similarity that i see in harry's experience at hogwarts with my experience at ncssm, as the article describes. i rarely reread books, and the harry potter series is one of the exceptions.

the other connections i share with harry has nothing to do with school. one is more of a trivia while the other is one that pains me to think about. i should get back to finishing the deathly hallows so i can discuss it with friends.

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