Wednesday, August 13, 2008

did it again

i just completed another round of the master cleanse/lemonade diet, a detoxing procedure i have done once before and would like to attempt once a year. it's always a struggle, not so much the lack of food (it's a liquid diet consisting of a specifically made lemonade) but the socializing that's involved with food.

i think the detoxing might've been tougher on r because he enjoys going out to eat but hates to dine alone. but it's over now, and the feasting can resume.

the last time i did the detoxing was during the winter which i thought might've been a poor strategy because you have a natural urge to bulk up during the cold weather. so i tried it this summer, thinking my appetite will diminish in the hot weather and an ice-cold lemonade might be refreshing. i realized that it's mentally tougher, however, because of all the wonderful produce available during the warmer season. i was drooling over all the peaches and nectarines and berries at the farmers market but unable to taste them. next time, i think i'll stick to the colder season.

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