Monday, August 18, 2008

music & musings

this past sunday was the last day of central park summerstage, a series of free concerts held in the park. it was our third time there, and they closed it out with the best show: sharon jones and the dap-kings. it's soul/funk music. sharon jones has the most incredible voice, and the dap-kings are a super-tight band. they were great entertainers and had so much fun and energy that you couldn't help but get pulled right along with them.

(this was a blind shot of the stage. being short, i just held up the camera above the crowd and snapped a few.)

(this was from a blind shot as well but cropped.)

they're based out of brooklyn so it was perfect to have a local band end the series. also, they apparently had been on tour and were ecstatic to be back. this is one band where i don't think i can see them play enough.

so every time we've walk along the eastern edge of central park, i would notice this sign:

did no one realize how disturbing this would come across? it makes me think "mystery meat" whenever i see it. one time, i even saw a yellow school bus parked near the building just past the sign. i was a little horrified for the children.

yesterday morning, i went jogging around the neighborhood and saw a dairy truck delivering products to a store. it had "hygrade milk" as part of the artwork on the side of the truck. i can't recall the brand although i'm sure it wasn't one of the major national brands, but i guess it's a good thing i don't drink milk. would you trust milk that comes from a place that had "hygrade milk" as part of its advertisement? it was one of those moments where i had to kick myself in the ass for not having a camera on me.

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